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Back to Basics: Landfill Diversion

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June 30, 2021


Back to Basics: Landfill Diversion

At Keter, we talk a lot about landfill diversion.

At Keter, we talk a lot about landfill diversion. How to track it, why it’s important, and where Keter can help. But sometimes,  it’s necessary to remind ourselves of what landfill diversion is in the first place. For companies interested in understanding landfill diversion, you’ve come to the right place! For companies with 2021 landfill diversion goals, you’ve come to the right place! We have tips below to help kick off your program in the second half of the year.

Landfill Diversion 101

Landfill diversion is the management practice of redirecting waste away from landfills to more sustainable channels. Examples of these channels could be recycling or composting centers. Businesses track their landfill diversion progress by calculating their landfill diversion rate on a year-over-year basis. Diversion rates offer valuable insight into your company’s progress in recycling waste byproducts.

Why is landfill diversion important? Landfill methane emissions are 23 times more potent than carbon dioxide. According to the UN Environmental Program’s Global Methane Assessment Report, the reduction of methane emissions from landfills will play a crucial role in achieving the Paris Agreement’s 1.5° C target.

Beside’s it’s importance, there are plenty of benefits to landfill diversion!

To name a few: cost efficiency, environmental sustainability, and creating an attractive brand. Many organizations – big and small – are committing to zero waste to landfill targets over the next several years.

Kickoff Your Landfill Diversion Program in 2021!

As corporate sustainability and ESG programs rise in popularity,  businesses across all industries are assessing their waste and byproduct management programs. Many of them are looking to set zero waste or zero waste to landfill targets in the near term.

Sound familiar? If your business wants to kick off your landfill diversion program this year, there’s still plenty of time! Here are some tips to get your landfill diversion program off the ground in this second half of the year:

  • Know your current waste and byproduct management program, such as its challenges, opportunities, and value-add to other strategic areas of the business
  • Outline goals and KPIs for an efficiently managed program (pro tip: go big with a zero waste to landfill target)
  • Partner with a waste and byproduct management integrator that will help you reduce your footprint where it matters most

At Keter, landfill diversion is all we do. Our customers are experts in their business, and we are in ours.Learn how our turnkey programs help you deliver on your sustainability and landfill diversion goals