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The “S” Pillar: How Safety And Sustainability Work Together

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June 1, 2021

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The “S” Pillar: How Safety And Sustainability Work Together

June is National Safety Month! Safety is a critical component of corporate sustainability programs and it’s important to understand how “S” factors (like workplace health and safety) and sustainability intersect to achieve long-term goals.

June is National Safety Month! Safety is a critical component of corporate sustainability programs and it’s important to understand how “S” factors (like workplace health and safety) and sustainability intersect to achieve long-term goals. Additionally, while workplace safety incidents have steadily declined over the last several years, there’s always room to improve internal practices. Check out our tips below to get your employees engaged in more sustainable, safer workplace practices this month!

Workplace Safety Drives Sustainable Businesses

Corporate sustainability programs typically focus on three core pillars – environmental, social, and governance responsibilities – that navigate the business on its path to a more sustainable future. As a by-product diversion integrator, we naturally spend a lot of our time talking about long-term environmental benefits. However, without a safe workplace, there is no sustainable nature of the business.

Workplace health and safety falls under the “S” (social responsibility) pillar, but it doesn’t need to be siloed from the “G” or the “E” pillars. Why? Because these pillars working together is what drives corporate sustainability success. According to a recent OSHA white paper, “Employers are only truly sustainable when they ensure the safety, health, and welfare of their workers.“

Tips For Celebrating National Safety Month

Now that National Safety Month is here, below are a few tips for celebrating workplace safety with your employees:

  • Run a workplace safety campaign that shares best practices in workplace safety
  • Establish a corporate sustainability task force that covers everything from employee safety to byproduct management
  • Spotlight employees who go above and beyond to ensure your business is operating within the highest workplace safety standards
  • Host a lunch and learn to talk about the state of workplace safety and corporate sustainability in your business
  • Open up the factory floor to employees that don’t spend time directly engaging with sustainability and safety measures
  • Keep the safety conversation going! National Safety Month doesn’t need to be the only time to talk about workplace safety improvements

At Keter, we create turnkey programs that help businesses achieve their sustainability and efficiency goals. Contact us today to learn more!

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