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Top 3 Reasons Your Business Should Share Your ESG Efforts on Social Media

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January 25, 2023


Top 3 Reasons Your Business Should Share Your ESG Efforts on Social Media

Your customers’ perception of your brand is vital to the success of your business.

Your customers’ perception of your brand is vital to the success of your business. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives are vital to demonstrating your commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. One powerful way to share your ESG efforts with the world is through social media. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top three reasons your business should share your ESG initiatives on social media.

Why Post ESG Efforts on Social Media?

Sharing your ESG initiatives on social media allows you to connect directly with your audience and share your story in a personal and authentic way. In fact, 71% of consumers have more trust in companies whose leadership team openly demonstrates their company values through social media.

There are many examples of companies that have gained significant traction on social media by sharing their ESG efforts. For example, the outdoor apparel company, Patagonia, has built a strong reputation for its commitment to sustainability and regularly shares updates on its ESG initiatives on social media. As a result, the company has a large and loyal following on social media, and its commitment to sustainability has become a staple of its brand identity.

#1 Improve Your Brand’s Reputation

Sharing your ESG initiatives on social media can help improve your brand’s reputation. First and foremost, it demonstrates to your audience that you are committed to sustainability and ethical practices. This can help build trust and credibility with consumers, who are increasingly looking for brands that align with their values.

Sharing your ESG initiatives on social media allows you to showcase the positive impact your business has on the environment and society. This can help differentiate you from competitors and make your brand more attractive to consumers.

#2 Attract Top Talent & Investors

Sharing your ESG initiatives on social media can also help attract top talent and investors. Many job seekers and investors are looking for companies that share their values and positively impact the world. By showcasing your ESG initiatives on social media, you can demonstrate that your business is aligned with these values and attract top talent and investors looking for purpose-driven companies.

According to a study by Morgan Stanley, 85% of people are interested in sustainable investing, and 88% believe that it is feasible to achieve financial gains while also prioritizing social and environmental impact. Audrey Choi, Chief Sustainability Officer and Chief Marketing Officer at Morgan Stanley, stated, “These findings reaffirm that sustainable investing has entered the mainstream and is here to stay… Increasingly, investors want to know what they own and want those holdings to reflect their values.”

By not sharing your ESG initiatives on social media, you may be missing out on a significant financial opportunity to attract investors who are looking to invest in purpose-driven companies.

#3 Delight Your Current Customers

Sharing your ESG initiatives on social media can also help delight your current customers and encourage them to continue doing business with you. 83% of consumers believe that companies should actively implement ESG best practices.

In addition to showing your customers that you are making a positive impact in the world, sharing your ESG initiatives on social media can also help to build loyalty and encourage repeat business. The benefits of establishing an emotional connection with customers can be significant. For instance, after a major bank launched a credit card designed to evoke emotional resonance, the usage among their target demographic increased by 70%, and new account growth rose by 40%. When customers see that you are taking steps to be more sustainable and ethically responsible, they may feel more loyal to your brand and be more likely to recommend you to their friends and family.

Keter: Helping You Achieve Your Waste & Recycling Initiatives

Sharing your ESG initiatives on social media can help improve your brand’s reputation, attract top talent and investors, and delight your current customers. By demonstrating your commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, you can build trust and credibility with your audience and differentiate yourself from competitors.

As a leading waste and recycling management provider, Keter Environmental Services works with businesses to help them achieve their sustainability goals. Whether you are looking to reduce your carbon footprint, increase recycling rates, or minimize your waste, we have the solutions and expertise to help you succeed.